Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chickens are doing well!

No new posts since May because that's when our intrepid travellers arrived back home but now they have moved away and taken up positions suited to their careers, it's time to once again keep up the "Chicken Chronicles",  hello Bill : )

The chickens are doing very well and they survived the constant rain far better than I expected, as a matter of fact it really didn't seem to worry them.  It worried us because all the ground around their chicken house turned to mud when it was lovely grass only a few months ago.  A few of the chickens seemed to like playing in the mud and that really made a mess of their outdoor area.  As a result of this we had to spread saw dust, about 15cm deep, to cover the mud and provide some relatively dry areas for them to spend their day. Yes, that is the main culprit in the foreground, young Esmeralda loved playing in the mud, I think she is looking a little perplexed about her new surroundings!

Because of all the rain and then all the mud, the chickens are completely without greens to browse on so every day I have to cut chick weed, grass, dandelion and nasturtium leaves and flowers for them to eat.  Luckily we have an abundance of these plants, so the chickens are staying healthy but I have a little less time then I had previously!  They still have their organic layer mash, which is always there for them plus natural yohurt with grated carrot or rolled oats every second day so they are doing well and we are getting plenty of gorgeous eggs.

I can't tell you how beautiful the weather is now the rain has gone, today is spectacular, a brilliant winters day - I can't describe how blue the sky is, just perfect.

Yesterday I made Anzac buscuits and a carrot cake, the recipe for this was on the coconut oil bottle and it is fantastic, really yum!  This morning I am having white tea plus some of that fresh baking. : )




  1. Bravo ! - Bravo ! - Bravo ! Wonderful update. I felt withdrawal pains because of nothing since May 1st.

    I still think this blog could go viral if promoted.

    One can only imagine Esmeralda wondering where the mud went. Reminds me of our son Will who was happiest, as a child, playing in a mud hole.

    Thanks and glad all is well in the coop


  2. Thanks Bill, yes there is something about little boys and mud isn't there? Probably some of the best creative play happened in those mud puddles.

    This week it's time for cast iron skillet and pecan pie, photos to follow,I am definitely looking forward to it! :)
