Monday, August 6, 2012

Not about chickens, well not directly.

This time I’m not talking about the chickens, they are fine, except for being stalked by an eagle/goshawk (?) three times in the past week which flies away as soon as it spots me coming out to see what all the fuss is about but apart from that they are fine.  : )

No this week it’s all about how much I enjoy trying something different that doesn’t entail sky diving or bungee jumping off some bridge, although I have done a 100 meter abseil which was fun but things we can do much more often than that with resources  we already have.   My Grandmother was the same; she loved trying new recipes which I do also.  Each one is a new experience – the lovely ingredients, the preparation, the cooking smells and of course the finished product – each new recipe is a revelation.  For me the process is the adventure and the end result is the icing on the cake! (Sorry about that). 

Bill sent me a recipe for a pecan pie that is cooked in a cast iron skillet, well I have never cooked a pie in a cast iron skillet so how could I resist this one.  The simple pleasures of preparing the ingredients, admiring the golden colour as it cooked and breathing in the magnificent aromas of freshly baked pastry have been enjoyed for generations.  In a world of change, these simple but rewarding activities are not only good for the mind and body but they are good for the soul.
                                 I had to get these eggs from the chicken pen, one was still warm.

                                                               Ready for the oven.


Hmmm, now I better go and check on those chickens.  : )



  1. Mum, Kim demands that you make that for us next time we come up!!

  2. Even tossing the high and low scores, Annie comes up with 10.0 for the final round in cash iron skillet pie making.

    The crowd roars approval and is cheering wildly.

    Medal ceremony immediately following this brief message from our sponsor.


  3. That was supposed to be "CAST iron skillet. It's still early here.

  4. Thanks Bill, as you know it's a great recipe and tastes as good as it looks!
