Friday, February 3, 2012

Oil of Cloves

Loved your photos of Deep Winter in Whistler Chelsea so I thought I would do the same only we are in deep summer and that means rain, mould, humidity and gorgeous gardens!  Oh and when I took these photos just then, I got a leech on my leg. : )))

Well I have joined the Oil of Cloves revolution here in Queensland.  Following the terrible floods last summer mould was a huge problem in homes and as chlorine bleach doesn't kill the mould (and is toxic) a new remedy was found and that is a diluted oil of cloves solution.  So yesterday after wiping the mould off all the internal doors and the leather lounge I then sprayed the solution on these surfaces and it is supposed to stop the mould coming back.  I have to reapply in about 4 weeks but that is a lot easier than cleaning off more mould and now the house has a lovely mild smell of cloves.  Let's hope it works!

Western Queensland is experiencing the worst floods on record at the moment, even worse than last year.  Mitchell and Roma are flooded and Charleville is bracing for "catastrophic" floods if the water breaches the towns levee.  Would you believe this is the third year in a row these towns have been flooded.  To answer your question Chelsea, apart from the 16 inches of rain we had in a few days last week, although there was flooding, it was not on a major scale.

Our garden looks exuberant, bursting with life! : ))  Here are a few photos, one is our little friend the baby Eastern Water Dragon.  He has three little mates also, they are very cute.  We are hoping Leo doesn't chase them and they grow up and stay around the house - hmmmmm.  Already Leo lies on the veranda eyeing them off!

Stay safe and warm guys, I will get that Care Package together. :)

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