Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This Week's Random Photos

                                                                      Leo yesterday -                                    

                                               Leo today after his clip - is that the same dog!

                                                                       Sweet Skeeta

                                                        Abbey - our champion egg layer!

                                                                     Our daily visitor!
                                             Raisin Rolled Oaties still warm from the oven.
                                                        Cute squirrel I knitted for Isaac.
                                                                     Beautiful Ruby                         
Enjoy the snow guys. : )


  1. OK Annie, I give up.

    5 th picture down. Is that a type of wild turkey in OZ?

    BTW - loved the clipped Leo pictures. Quite a contrast.


  2. You got it right GG, it is a brush turkey. The male builds a large mound of leaves for the female to lay her eggs in and he maintains the mound at a perfect incubating temperature. When the chicks hatch they are on their own, unlike most other birds. We have seen a tiny one down at our pavilion a few times this week.

    Ha, ha Leo likes his clip, there certain is a contrast. :)
