The pecking order is clearly visible here - the last arrivals sit on the ground! : )))) They love it and sit there whenever it is raining - we have had 140mm (nearly 6 inches) in the last three days with a lot more rain and flooding forecast for the weekend so it will get a lot of use!
Well we also had another visit from a snake (Carpet Python again) and as Greg was not at home this time, I called the local snake catcher. He coaxed it out of it's spot above the chicken pen and took it away to relocate it. I let the chickens out in the mornings and always go in just to check on things and I happened to look up - ahhhh! No again! But really Carpet snakes are harmless, docile creatures and this one lived in the ceiling of our house but because he likes chickens we had to have him removed - I hope we don't get mice in our attic now!
It's really raining hard now and I just ducked into the kitchen (no pun intended : ) to have a slice of cake I just baked - yum, it is amazing! Orange and walnut cake with yoghurt and rice bran oil instead of butter and honey instead of sugar - it is really good! I love to cook or bake when it is raining.
There we go, thought I would share it with you. : )
This is a scarf I knitted during the last few weeks, I must be dreaming of winter!
Have fun guys and stay safe and warm. ☼
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