Saturday, January 21, 2012

Chicken Update

All is well with the chickens.  The two newcomers have settled in well and they are no longer being pursued by Ruby - well maybe occasionally but she is no where as determined as she was.

We still have the "chill out zone" fenced off in the main pen where we put the two black chickens when we go out but we probably don't need it any more. 

I should stop calling them the newcomers, their names are Jet (after the shiny black stone) and Esmeralda (Spanish for emerald, the colour they shine in the sun).  When I enter their enclosure, they now come running up to me and they will eat out of my hand - not bad for a few weeks considering they were so shy when they first arrived here.

The chickens current favourite food is oats - unhulled, which we give them for a treat but of course, nothing beats mealworms!

Here are a few photos I took today, as you can see, Ruby is big!  :)

Watch that frostbite Tony!!

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