Monday, November 14, 2011

Today, Monday, I clean the house. I do it every Monday just as my mother, my grandmother and my great grandmother always did. I makes sense for me as I then have the rest of the week to tick off the other activities I have planned. I clean deliberately and with love as my house is my haven and the reward is walking through a clean and organised house with a gentle breeze blowing through the windows - it is extremely psychologically satisfying.

Today is hot and the chickens are scratching around in the shade enjoying themselves.   As we live in a rammed earth which has very thick earth walls with strategically placed  openings to promote flow through ventilation, inside is very pleasant indeed.

Later I must scoop the bamboo leaves out of our garden pond. Every Spring it sheds masses of leaves!! It is black bamboo and it looks gorgeous but??? Don't ever grow bamboo near a pond! We didn't know it dropped so many leaves and visitors often say "What beautiful bamboo!" Our response is often hmmmmmmm. More musings tomorrow!

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