Thursday, November 22, 2012

This Week's Random Photos

This week I thought I would post some random photos as the chickens are all fine.  Although I did replace the straw in their nesting boxes a few days ago and made a lovely deep bed for them only to find Ruby liked it so much she would not leave the cosy compartment and she has gone broody again!  It's only been a month or so since she last spent about 32 days sitting on nothing.  Oh well, here we go again.!

                                                      This is the view down to our pool 


A lovely shrub that has flowers that start out blue and fade to white so it always has different coloured flowers on it at the same time.  It really is gorgeous, will find the name of it and post it here in a few days time.

                                         We have a lot of gardenias flowering at the moment.


                                                              Our resident kookaburra

                                                                 Dancing Lady Orchid


Ruby and Abbey are both Light Sussex Chickens and Ruby is bigger than Abbey.  They are supposed to lay large white eggs, which Abbey does but Ruby lays small brown eggs??  I did a bit of research on this and apparently the Light Sussex chickens were originally brown (well over a hundred years ago) so we think Ruby might be carrying an ancient gene.  : )


A few days ago a large section of our passionfruit vine blew off it's trellis in a storm and Abbey thinks it's a lovely, cool place to sit.

                                                         An Echidna at our letterbox


Those chickens!  I let them out for a few minutes to peck on some greens and this is the thanks I get!


 I collect our fallen hibiscus flowers so I can see them and enjoy that amazing colour.  Our lawn is recovering from months of well below average rainfall.  It's incredible how it has greened up after two storms.

I took this photo a few days ago of Esmeralda and Jett luxuriating in the sunshine and dust.  The chickens send up plumes of dust and roll and flap their wings in it.  This is natural behaviour that caged birds do not get to enjoy and is just one of the reasons why I encourage the buying of free range eggs.  They absolutely adore it!

Christmas is coming and I must make my Christmas Cake and start on all those old fashioned sweets that everyone loves so much.  Here is a photo I posted last year but now I am going down to Spotlight to buy some fabric to make a quilt and I must finish knitting a gorgeous pair of socks I started about a month ago - more on these later.  : )


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