Monday, November 12, 2012

Homemade Chutney

There are few things that evoke that warm and homely feel that we all love more than the aromas of fresh baking or something bubbling away on the cook top and a large pot of simmering chutney is one of the best.  It's as if the whole house takes a deep breath and exhales when the rich scents of  spice, garlic, ginger and fruit gently fill the home - a deeply rewarding experience we miss out on when everything we eat comes prepackaged from the supermarket.

So last week I made my favourite chutney recipe (see below), it's simple and delicious and if you double the recipe, you will have enough to give away to family and friends and before long you will become renowned for your wonderful condiments and only you will know how simple they are to make!

                                                                     Lovely ingredients


Place your clean glass jars and lids in a large pot of water straight from the tap (if you put them into boiling water they will crack) and heat them up until boiling - cover and boil gently for 10 minutes.

After sterilizing, remove jars and lids with tongs and place upside down on a clean tea towel or place upside down on a baking tray in a warm oven - cool chutney into cool jars, hot chutney into hot jars.

                                                     Simple, gorgeous and delicious!


Mixed Fruit Chutney


230g (8oz) cooking Apples
230g (8oz) Pears
170g (6oz) Dried, Diced apricots
2 tablespoons Sultanas
340g (12 oz) soft Brown Sugar (I do not double this amount, I use about 450g but this is a personal choice)
285ml (half a pint) Cider Vinegar
12 cloves Garlic sliced
1 tablespoon finely chopped Ginger
1 dessertspoon Salt (I use less)
1 teaspoon Caraway Seeds or Cumin Seeds


Peel and core apples and pears.  Cut fruit (not sultanas) ginger and garlic into small pieces and mix the rest of the ingredients in a pan.  Boil gently for 40 minutes.  Cool and Bottle.

There is so much pleasure in eating real food, it's time to reclaim the kitchen and experience some of the wonderful satisfaction and joy that comes from  getting back to basics and making some of these beautiful old recipes - your life will be richer for it.                  



  1. Yummy! How long does your chutney usually last? I was wondering if I could make mine for the christmas hampers already. Hello to Greg. xo

  2. Hi Chelsea, the chutney certainly will last for Christmas (and beyond) if you make it now, the secret is sterilizing the jars to eliminate any bacteria from them that may shorten the life of the chutney and because it is humid now I have put mine in the fridge but I have never had chutney spoil.

    Your hampers sound wonderful, homemade as well as delicious!
