Saturday, March 17, 2012

This Weeks' Other Random Photos

 Our black bamboo - Timor Black

The chickens are not impressed - the bush turkey is coming to visit. :)
Giant bromeliad - Alcantarea Imperialis Rubra

                   Fruit slice - using rice bran oil instead of butter in the pastry - lovely ummmmm!

A work in progress - I'm making a wallhanging out of traditional Cambodian scarves (Krama) we bought in Cambodia.  I have cut them up and I am in the process of positioning them so the work is harmonious - the online dictionary describes harmonious as "having component elements pleasing or appropriately combined" - nice.   I still have scarves to add.


  1. Annie,

    Such a variety of pictures this time.

    I was particularly intrigued with the black bamboo. Never seen or heard of such. It almost looks as if it has been painted with high gloss black enamel.

    The only bamboo we have here is green, grows like a weed, and if it ever takes hold it is insidious and almost impossible to get rid of.

    Happy Leo was a bonus and the fruit slices look delicious.

    Is the bush turkey now a frequent visitor there only to steal food and not socialize? Seems as if I remember a previous visit.

    We have wild turkeys here in Georgia but you almost can't get within 100+ feet of them before they fly away. Probably the hardest game bird to hunt in the USA. Don't believe for a minute the saying "dumb as a turkey". Wild turkeys are incredibly smart and elusive.

    The wall hanging is so colorful and hope you do an "all finished" picture with it hanging up.

    Thanks for all of the photos.


  2. Hello GG,

    Yes the black bamboo is interesting, we also have the green bamboo in Aus but the black and the blue species we have growing here are the clumping varieties e.g. they send up shoots at their base but they don't run under the ground and become invasive. If we wish, we can simply cut off the new shoots when they come up in summer to manage the amount of bamboo we wish to have.

    That fruit slice was delicious! This week I am going to make Kasundi which is a spicy tomato relish from India as we are out of my home made chutney and this will be an interesting change.

    The bush turkey is a regular here now, it jumps the fence and walks into the chicken pen and helps itself to their grain. It is quite tame and doesn't mind me being around. The male builds a large mound from leaf mulch and keeps it at an optimal temperature for egg incubation. The female lays her eggs in the mound and when the chicks hatch, they are on their own.

    We have just had 8 days of rain and today the sun is peeping through - so nice.

