Thursday, March 8, 2012


Dusk is a lovely time of day in the chicken enclosure.  I sit with the chickens and enjoy the stillness as day passes into evening.  The sky turns pink or some other soft colour and the chickens have a last forage before bed.

They really enjoy my company and a couple of them will sit with me, very close, and chat quietly, pecking at a passing ant or a grass seed while they too quietly enjoy the remnants of the day only to look up disapprovingly as a noisy flock of Rainbow Lorikeets fly overhead also on their way home.

Then all of a sudden, mostly when I am half way through telling them something very important, they will get up and leave!  All five of them will head to their pen chatting and fussing and the correct order of roosting must be followed.  Interestingly enough, it is the head chicken who insists on being the last to settle in and the Australorps, the newest arrivals, are always the first.

Skeeta heading home

Wind vane on top of pen.

Always time for one last feed.

Last night's full moom.

Have fun in the snow guys, only a few weeks to go!  : )

1 comment:

  1. That looks really beautiful Anne. I can't wait to see the chickens again. Tony and I are going to have fun babysitting them while you guys go a well deserved holiday. Lovexx
