Friday, March 30, 2012

The Big Wet

Well after 1674mm (65.9 inches) of rain in the first three months of this year, the chickens are looking for some sunshine (as are the rest of us!).  At every opportunity they lie in the sun and try to have a dust bath, not so easy when everything is so wet but they persevere. 
 The new perches we put in their coop.
    Skeeta in the lemon grass.
Our mossy driveway, lucky our car tyres keep it from getting slippery.

Our rainforest is enjoying the rain, of course! : )

The creek under our bridge loves the rain.

The chickens under the passionfruit vine on a sunny day.
   Jet and Esmeralda
      Enjoying some sunshine.
We put up some new perches for them in their coop so they have more areas to get up out of the rain and dry off.  They have all managed very well and don't seem any worst off considering the weather.  Must be the oats mixed with yoghurt I still give them everyday. : )

Have fun in Mexico guys!  Don't forget to write! : )))

Saturday, March 17, 2012

This Weeks' Other Random Photos

 Our black bamboo - Timor Black

The chickens are not impressed - the bush turkey is coming to visit. :)
Giant bromeliad - Alcantarea Imperialis Rubra

                   Fruit slice - using rice bran oil instead of butter in the pastry - lovely ummmmm!

A work in progress - I'm making a wallhanging out of traditional Cambodian scarves (Krama) we bought in Cambodia.  I have cut them up and I am in the process of positioning them so the work is harmonious - the online dictionary describes harmonious as "having component elements pleasing or appropriately combined" - nice.   I still have scarves to add.

This Week's Random Photos

I sewed a bed of Clucker Tucker - a crop the chickens can browse when it is fully grown.  Skeeta and Ruby thought they liked it already!  A fence is now protecting the seeds. : )

A tree stump on our property showing a springboard notch, more proof we are not the first to live here.

       Beehive ginger.

    Happy Leo!
Our blue bamboo - Bambusa Chungii.

     Tropical Frangipani

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Dusk is a lovely time of day in the chicken enclosure.  I sit with the chickens and enjoy the stillness as day passes into evening.  The sky turns pink or some other soft colour and the chickens have a last forage before bed.

They really enjoy my company and a couple of them will sit with me, very close, and chat quietly, pecking at a passing ant or a grass seed while they too quietly enjoy the remnants of the day only to look up disapprovingly as a noisy flock of Rainbow Lorikeets fly overhead also on their way home.

Then all of a sudden, mostly when I am half way through telling them something very important, they will get up and leave!  All five of them will head to their pen chatting and fussing and the correct order of roosting must be followed.  Interestingly enough, it is the head chicken who insists on being the last to settle in and the Australorps, the newest arrivals, are always the first.

Skeeta heading home

Wind vane on top of pen.

Always time for one last feed.

Last night's full moom.

Have fun in the snow guys, only a few weeks to go!  : )