Thursday, December 15, 2011

An Unwelcome Visitor

We have had a goanna, various birds and bush turkeys visit the chickens but this visitor was not funny!  A few nights ago I was supervising the chickens at their bedtime and was standing with my back to the mesh wall.  Something made me turn around and there was a carpet snake right at my shoulder on the other side of the wire! It was very lucky it climbed the small passionfruit vine that has attached itself to the wire and didn't continue about a meter further on and find the open door.  It could have hidden in the pen and I would not have seen it as the door is open all day for the chooks to come and go as they please.

I knew I would not be able to sleep knowing there was a snake at the chicken pen even though it could not get in at night so we had to relocate it.  We phoned a snake catcher and he said he would be an hour and a half!  That meant I would have to stand in the rain getting eaten by mozzies with the torch on the snake keeping a track of him - that was ridiculous!  So we had to relocate it ourselves.

Greg (I really have an aversion to snakes) hooked it up and tossed it into a big bag we have for garden clippings.  We then drove about 3 kms to the forest park and released it.  Greg made sure it did not escape from the bag in the car as I told him if it did I would crash into a tree! 

Apart from that the chickens are very happy and enjoying themselves. : )

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