Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This Week's VERY Random Photos

I just couldn't think of anything to say this week (catching a cold from a certain toddler didn't help) so I thought I would take the camera outside, do a lap of the garden and see what I could find.

I really wanted a photo of the goanna that lives in our ceiling space leaving his hideout and going out for the day but I can never catch him.  I hear him moving from inside the house and I run outside with the camera and point it to the small space he squeezes into but so far no luck.  Last year we had a handyman up here doing something else and we asked him if he could fix the gap where the possum, the goanna and the carpet snake enter our roof space but blocking up the hole is not an option because we would probably lock something in there and that would not be good!

Anyway he said he put a small trapdoor in place where anything that is in there can get out but will not be able to get back in - great!  Problem solved!  Hmmmm, we can clearly see where the trapdoor has been broken and our ceiling is once again the abode for all and sundry!  Sometimes when Leo and I are reading or watching TV and we hear a noise from "up there" Leo looks up and just gives the most disgusted look, he does not approve.

                     The first thing I found was a five legged grasshopper! I told you these were random!
                                                         Lovely red berries on a cordyline

                         A Golden Whistler, a beautiful rainforest bird with a most amazing song

                                                              A gorgeous bromeliad

                 Our baby Eastern Water Dragon has come out of hibernation, he looks a little thin but is enjoying soaking up the warm sunshine.                                           


                      A self sewn orchid on a palm tree, love how they just come up randomly like that.

                                             Esmeralda always likes to present her best side.  Is she a prize winning chicken or what!


I just thought this is fun, I need another photo so I went outside and look who is sunning himself on the swimming pool bridge as I type this!  I wonder if he just left our ceiling or if it is another one - probably is our noisy house guest!   : ))))

Ok Leo gets the last spot, just took this photo and he is clearly not amused!  Needless to say he has gone straight back to sleep. : ))

 So that is what I found in about five minutes walking around the garden, there is always something interesting to see. 



  1. I just loved the variety of pictures from your random snaps. Frankly I was waiting for a Brown Snake but in retrospect I was glad you did not find one.

    The picture of Skeeta is a classic. What a look !

    Your bridge snoozer looks to be almost 2 feet long.

    And then there is Leo. Ever vigilant as ususal for maybe 5 seconds?

    Thanks for the photo tour. We enjoyed it.


  2. Sorry Esmeralda, I forgot to acknowledge your photo.

    From my viewpoint, you're not missing too many meals.


  3. The brown snake made another appearance yesterday afternoon. I was walking out to check on the chickens and we (the brown snake and me) nearly met at an intersection of the chicken pen and a path. I called out "brown snake!" and Greg and Leo were soon there, Leo sniffing the ground. It quickly slithered into the bush behind the house. I couldn't stop thinking about all those "killer baby snakes" that will be making an appearance sometime soon!

    I saw the bridge snoozer leaving the ceiling yesterday and took a photo with my phone. I said to Greg "now we can fix up that hole" Greg said "but he's ok, he's harmless" so the goanna stays. : )))

    Love your comment re Esmeralda, she does like her yogurt in the morning.

    1. Sweet dreams


