Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chicken Update

Yesterday Jet, one of our beautiful Australorps, laid her first egg!  Hurray!  There was a bit of jealousy from Abbey at one stage when she "removed" Jet from the nesting box but it all settled down and now Jet has been elevated to the prestigious position along side Abbey as our champion egg layer. : ))

Apart from this, the chickens have been enjoying life.  The rain has stopped so there has been plenty of dust baths and foraging amongst the sweet potato vine.  They love eating the leaves of the sweet potato vine also which gives them plenty of vitamins and minerals.  You should see the colour of their egg yolks - very bright yellow as you can see from the colour of this lime dessert.

Jet and Esmeralda are great friends and are rarely apart.  It is obvious now that Esmeralda is about three weeks younger than Jet.


The chickens love their daily yogurt and oats and wait around  their outdoor area every day for it, then they are happy and their day can begin. : )

Bedtime is still a ritual but they all manage to sort themselves out and roost in their designated areas, after one last meal!

Have fun in Mexico guys, we really loved those gorgeous seaside photos.  ♥♥♥


1 comment:

  1. Annie,

    Judging from the first photo and the size of Jet, she looks as if in addition to normal chicken food she also ate the entire beautiful desert in your second photo.

